
Krzysztof Jodłowski

Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon

Clockwork inspired extra dimension models at future lepton colliders, beam dumps, and SN1987

Generalized Continuum Clockwork (GCC) is an extra-dimensional generalization of the clockwork mechanism dynamically generating hierarchical couplings and mass scales. We study three benchmark geometries of GCC: the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model with a warped extra dimension, linear dilaton background, and a generalized linear dilaton model with a novel Kaluza-Klein (KK) graviton structure. We investigate the prospects of searching for signatures of CCW models at current and future colliders like the LHC, CLIC, and FCC-ee using visible decays of KK gravitons and the radion. We also explore the long-lived regime of these states at beam dump experiments like Belle II, FASER2, MATHUSLA, and SHiP, as well as constraints from astrophysical and cosmological observations. We find that combining both kind of searches will enable comprehensive coverage of the relevant CCW parameter space. Finally, we update the prospects of the RS with a third, dark brane, which was proposed as a potential origin of the NANOGrav gravitational wave signal from a first-order phase transition.


Marco Merchand

KTH Stockholm


Peter Matak

Comenius University, Bratislava